Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quote by Harvey S. Firestone

 motivational quote: I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business.</p><p>Harvey S. Firestone - 1868-1938 - American Businessman

Motivational Quote by Allyson Partridge

 motivational quote: Don't look any further than your own reflection for a hero.    Allyson Partridge - Public Speaker

Motivational Quote by Bob Moore

 motivational quote: My strength did not come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down.</p><p>Bob Moore - Weightlifting Champion

Motivational Quote by Tim Brownson

 motivational quote: It's no good knowing your values if you don't live your values.    Tim Brownson - Life Coach

Motivational Quote by Aesop

 motivational quote: Gratitude turns what we have into enough.    Aesop - Greek Fabulist-Storyteller

Motivational Quote by James Allen

 motivational quote: Passion is energy.  Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.  </p><p>Oprah Winfrey - Actress - Producer - Talk Show Host

Motivational Quote by Jonathan Larson

 motivational quote: Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.    Jonathan Larson - 1960-1996 - Composer-Playwright

Motivational Quote by Honore de Balzac

 motivational quote: When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.    Honore de Balzac - 1799-1850 - French Literary Artist

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: Knowing your destination is half the journey.    Unknown

Motivational Quote by Turkish Proverb

 motivational quote: If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.    Turkish Proverb

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.    Unknown

Motivational Quote by Steve Pavlina

 motivational quote: Fear is not your enemy.  It is a compass pointing you to the areas where you need to grow.    Steve Pavlina - Author

Motivational Quote by Gerry Spence

 motivational quote: I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.</p><p>Gerry Spence - Self-Help Author-Motivational Speaker-Entrepreneur

Motivational Quote by Savy Wisdom

 motivational quote: Your actions will inspire others to pursue theirs.     Savy Wisdom, Peggy McColl - New York Times Best-Selling Author

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: Allow yourself to be inspired.  Allow yourself to succeed. Dare to excel.    Unknown