Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quote by Kemo Sogunle

 motivational quote: What you feed your mind, will lead your life.</p><p>Kemi Sogunle - Author-Certified Life Coach and Relationship Expert

Motivational Quote by Neale Donald Walsch

 motivational quote: True masters are those who've chosen to make a life rather than a living.</p><p>Neale Donald Walsch - Author

Motivational Quote by Neale Donald Walsch

 motivational quote: If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best.    Neale Donald Walsch - Author

Motivational Quote by Louise Hay

 motivational quote: I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.</p><p>Louise Hay - 1926-2017- Motivational Author-Founder of Hay House

Motivational Quote by Neale Donald Walsch

 motivational quote: The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want.</p><p>Neale Donald Walsch - Author

Motivational Quote by John Holland

 motivational quote: We receive exactly what we expect to receive.    John Holland - Medium-Author-Spiritual Teacher

Motivational Quote by Esther Hicks

 motivational quote: Most people are rowing against the current of life.  Instead of turning the boat around, all they need to do is let go of the oars.</p><p>Esther Hicks - Inspirational Speaker-Author

Motivational Quote by Napoleon Bonaparte

 motivational quote: Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.</p><p>Napoleon Bonaparte - 1769-1821 - French Military Leader

Motivational Quote by Viktor Frankl

 motivational quote: Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.    Viktor Frankl - 1905-1997 - Psychiatrist and Author

Motivational Quote by Mahatma Gandhi

 motivational quote: Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.</p><p>Mahatma Gandhi - 1869-1948 - Indian Lawyer

Motivational Quote by Russell M. Nelson

 motivational quote: They joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.</p><p>Russell M. Nelson - Religious Leader

Motivational Quote by Henry Adams

 motivational quote: All experience is an arch, to build upon.    Henry Adams - 1838-1918 - American Historian

Motivational Quote by Plato

 motivational quote: Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.</p><p>Plato - Athenian Philosopher

Motivational Quote by Roger Ascham

 motivational quote: It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience.    Roger Ascham - 1515-1568 - English Scholar-Writer

Motivational Quote by Horace

 motivational quote: Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even.   Horace - 65 BC-8 BC - Poet