Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quote by Dolly Parton

 motivational quote: If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.    Dolly Parton - Singer - Actress - Author

Motivational Quote by Dwight Howard

 motivational quote: Today is a new day.  Even if you were wrong yesterday, you can get it right today.</p><p>Dwight Howard - Basketball Player

Motivational Quote by Abraham Maslow

 motivational quote: In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.</p><p>Abraham Maslow - 1908-1970 - Psychologist

Motivational Quote by Amanda Gorman

 motivational quote: There is always light. If only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it.</p><p>Amanda Gorman - Poet-Activist

Motivational Quote by Rabindranath Tagore

 motivational quote: You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.</p><p>Rabindranath Tagore - 1861-1941 - Poet-Writer-Composer-Philosopher

Motivational Quote by Jane Goodall

 motivational quote: What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.</p><p>Jane Goodall - Primatologist-Author

Motivational Quote by Paul J. Meyer

 motivational quote: Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals. </p><p>Paul J. Meyer - Founder of Success Motivation Institute Inc

Motivational Quote by Jim Rohn

 motivational quote: The major key to your better future is you.</p><p>Jim Rohn - Entrepreneur-Author-Motivational Speaker

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: Your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not yours, but if we meet on a certain path, may we encourage each other.    Unknown

Motivational Quote by Trent Shelton

 motivational quote: Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now, doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine later. Don't lose faith.    Trent Shelton - Football Player

Motivational Quote by John Maxwell

 motivational quote: The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.</p><p>John Maxwell - Coach-Author

Motivational Quote by George S. Patton

 motivational quote: In case of doubt, push on just a little further and then keep on pushing.</p><p>George S. Patton - 1885-1945 - General

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: You deserve your dream.    Unknown

Motivational Quote by Marcus Aurelius

 motivational quote: Each day provides its own gifts.    Marcus Aurelius - 121-180 - Roman Emperor

Motivational Quote by Joel Osteen

 motivational quote: You're going to go through tough times. That's life. But I say,