Life Quotes

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: You deserve your dream.</p><p>Unknown

Motivational Quote by Esther Hicks

 motivational quote: Appreciation is the purest vibration that exists on the planet today.</p><p>Esther Hicks - Inspirational Speaker-Author

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: People who shine from within don't need the spotlight.  Unknown

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: Always see positive in everything, whenever the going gets tough, understand there is something good going to happen. </p><p>Unknown

Motivational Quote by Roy T. Bennett

 motivational quote: The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.</p><p>Roy T. Bennett - 1939-2014 - Author

Motivational Quote by Esther Hicks

 motivational quote: Most people are rowing against the current of life.  Instead of turning the boat around, all they need to do is let go of the oars.</p><p>Esther Hicks - Inspirational Speaker-Author

Motivational Quote by Desiderius Erasmus

 motivational quote: Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.</p><p>Desiderius Erasmus – 1466-1536 - Theologian

Motivational Quote by Eileen Caddy

 motivational quote: Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.</p><p>Eileen Caddy - 1917-2006 - Author

Motivational Quote by Konrad Adenauer

 motivational quote: We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.</p><p>Konrad Adenauer - 1876-1967 - Former Chancellor of Germany

Motivational Quote by Robin Williams

 motivational quote: No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.</p><p>Robin Williams - 1951-2014 - Comedian-Actor

Motivational Quote by Henry David Thoreau

 motivational quote: Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.</p><p>Henry David Thoreau - 1817-1862 - Essayist

Motivational Quote by Nelson Mandela

 motivational quote: Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.</p><p>Nelson Mandela – 1918-2013 - Former President of South Africa

Motivational Quote by Brad Turnbull

 motivational quote: You will always have the time for the things you choose to put first in your life.</p><p>Brad Turnbull - Author

Motivational Quote by Bob Proctor

 motivational quote: Don't be a victim of negative self-talk. Remember, you are listening.</p><p>Bob Proctor - 1934-2022 - Author-Speaker-Legend

Motivational Quote by Marianne Williamson

 motivational quote: The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.</p><p>Marianne Williamson - Author-Speaker