Quote of the Day

Motivational Quote by John Muir

 motivational quote: The power of imagination makes us infinite.</p><p>John Muir - 1838-1914 - Author

Daily Quotes

Motivational Quote by Paulo Coelho

motivational quote: The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion. - Paulo Coelho - Author

Motivational Quote by Steve Maraboli

motivational quote: Your life isn’t behind you; your memories are behind you. Your life is always ahead of you. Today is a new day – seize it! - Steve Maraboli – Author and Speaker

Motivational Quote by Richelle E. Goodrich

motivational quote: Gratitude doesn’t change the scenery. It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors. - Richelle E. Goodrich - Author

Motivational Quote by Amelia Earhart

motivational quote: The most difficult thing is the decision to act - the rest is merely tenacity. - Amelia Earhart – 1897-1937, Aviator

Motivational Quote by Jim Henson

motivational quote: Life is like a movie. Write your own ending - keep believing! - Jim Henson – 1936-1990, Puppeteer, Screenwriter, and Producer

Motivational Quote by Mike Melville

motivational quote: What you want to do and what you can do, is limited only by what you can dream. - Mike Melville – Astronaut

Motivational Quote by George Sheehan

motivational quote: Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be. - George Sheehan – 1918-1993, Physician, Athlete, and Author

Motivational Quote by Daphne Rose Kingma

motivational quote: Today see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also those who need it so much. - Daphne Rose Kingma – Author and Speaker

Motivational Quote by Helen Keller

motivational quote: Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulty. - Helen Keller – 1880-1968, Author, Political Activist, and Lecturer

Motivational Quote by Marianne Williamson

motivational quote: As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Marianne Williamson – Author and Speaker

Motivational Quote by James Baldwin

motivational quote: Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. - James Baldwin – 1924-1987, Novelist

Motivational Quote by Calvin Coolidge

motivational quote: No people were ever honored for what they received. Honor has been the reward for what they gave. - Calvin Coolidge – 1872-1933, 30th U.S. President

Motivational Quote by Oscar Wilde

motivational quote: The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. - Oscar Wilde – 1854-1900, Playwright

Motivational Quote by Frank Lloyd Wright

motivational quote: The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. - Frank Lloyd Wright – 1867-1959, Architect

Motivational Quote by Wayne Dyer

motivational quote: When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. - Wayne Dyer – 1940-2015, Author and Speaker

Motivational Quote by Margaret J. Wheatley

motivational quote: All change, even very large and powerful change, begins when a few people start talking with one another about something they care about. - Margaret J. Wheatley – Writer

Motivational Quote by Jack Penn

motivational quote: One of the secrets of life is to make stepping-stones out of stumbling blocks. - Jack Penn – 1909-1996, Reconstructive Surgeon and Author

Motivational Quote by Eckhart Tolle

motivational quote: When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness. - Eckhart Tolle - Author

Motivational Quote by Richard Carlson

motivational quote: Every day, tell at least one person something you like, admire, or appreciate about them. - Richard Carlson – 1961-2006, Author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Motivational Quote by Thea Kristine May

motivational quote: Appreciate every little beautiful moment in every day of your life and you’ll see the world from another perspective. - Thea Kristine May – Writer