Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quote by Napoleon Hill

 motivational quote: Don't wait.  The time will never be just right.  Napoleon Hill - 1883-1970 - Author

Motivational Quote by Warren Buffet

 motivational quote: Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken.  Warren Buffett – Investor - Speaker - Philanthropist

Motivational Quote by Josie Bisset

 motivational quote: Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them.  Josie Bisset - Actress

Motivational Quote by John Dewey

 motivational quote: There's all the difference in the world between having something to say and having to say something. John Dewey – 1859-1952 - Philosopher and Psychologist

Motivational Quote by Jentezen Franklin

 motivational quote:If you are too big to do the little things, you are too little to do big things.  Jentezen Franklin - Author

Motivational Quote by Bob Proctor

 motivational quote: The people who learn to give simultaneously learn to live. Bob Proctor – Author - Speaker

Motivational Quote by Billy Graham

 motivational quote: Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.  Billy Graham – 1918-2018 - Evangelist

Motivational Quote by Unknown

 motivational quote: The hardest prison to escape from is your mind.  Unknown

Motivational Quote by James Clear

 motivational quote: Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.  James Clear - Author - Photographer

Motivational Quote by Dwayne Johnson

 motivational quote: Wake up determined to go to bed satisfied.  Dwayne Johnson - Actor - Semi-Retired Professional Wrestler

Motivational Quote by Lana Del Rey

 motivational quote: Being brave means knowing that when you fail, you don't fail forever.  Lana Del Rey - Singer - Songwriter - Record Producer

Motivational Quote by Herman Hesse

 motivational quote: Each man's life represents a road toward himself.  Herman Hesse - 1877-1962 - Poet - Novelist - Painter

Motivational Quote by Franklin P. Jones

 motivational quote: Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.  Franklin P. Jones - 1774-1848 - Engineer - Publisher

Motivational Quote by J. Robert Oppenheimer

 motivational quote: The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wide grows it under his feet.  J. Robert Oppenheimer - 1904-1967 - Physicist

Motivational Quote by Baltasar Gracian

 motivational quote: All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.  Baltasar Gracian - 1601-1658 - Writer - Philosopher